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Community Activities Our community app offers a wide range of activities, providing members with opportunities to engage, earn, and grow.
Here’s an overview of the key activities in our community:
Chat Interactions Believers can connect and exchange ideas through private and group chats within the app. Chat activities are tracked to measure engagement, reward users, and enhance the overall experience.
Library Interactions The library feature offers a variety of resources, including videos, articles, audio materials, courses, books, and quizzes. Interactions are tracked and rewarded with badges, encouraging Believers to explore, learn, and grow through diverse content.
News Interactions Believers can stay informed on the go with the app's news feature, which combines updates from community sources and international media.
Referral Activities Believers can earn points by referring new members to the app. Each successful referral is tracked, rewarded with points or badges, and celebrated with notifications to recognize their contribution to the community's growth.
Intelligence Scores Participation in quizzes allows Believers to build their intelligence scores. These scores track performance and average completion time, encouraging personal growth and continuous learning.
These activities ensure we foster a community that values, recognizes, and rewards every member's participation.